"Come to me....I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28
A moment of rest after a very exhausting Washington Parish Free Fair
Did you know that no one gets strong from lifting weights? It’s true. You only get strong by resting after lifting weights. The act of lifting weights is stressful, tiring, and painful at times. The same is true of exercise of any kind really. In order to provide a benefit, there has to be a period of stress. But the secret is that the stress by itself is only half of the process. The stress has to be followed by a period of rest and recovery.
I know that many of our customers are aware of the efforts of the Washington Parish Sheriff to force us to violate state law and charge our customers sales tax for our farm-raised products. For those that may not know the story, his efforts over the last year certainly caused stress on our family, business and finances. We had our day in court and thankfully the recently released judge’s decision confirmed what everyone (except the Sheriff apparently) already knew; our products are farm raised.
So now we are in a period of rest. It's only been a little over a week but already there are some significant ways that we are getting stronger. Perhaps the most obvious way we’ve improved is that our website and Facebook page have been transformed into something more professional and helpful to customers. Our price list is posted along with ordering information and will soon be accompanied by an online ordering process.
A less obvious, but incredibly meaningful, way we’ve gotten stronger is in the relationships with our customers and supporters. It’s been a very humbling and grateful experience for Rebekah and I over the last week to hear how much support we have from our community, fellow business owners, and fellow farmers. If you’re reading this, you’re probably part of that group!
Knowing that people are rooting for us strengthens us in ways that I wouldn’t expect and connects us to each other in ways that bolster our resolve. I realize it’s hard for others to appreciate how thankful Rebekah and I are to those of you that support us, but please know that we are so thankful that you choose to connect with us.